Tokio,<br><br>Out of curiosity I took some measurements on my HPSDR setup to get an idea of the S/N from my (TAPR) Penelope. You should have similar values in your setup when using a low-noise mike amplifier.<br><br>At 500 mW out from Penelope I measured approx. 58 dB S/N when using a 1 kHz tone from an external audio generator as compared to the noise level when the generator was removed. Test frequency: 3,7 MHz. The signal was observed on a Spectrum Analyzer with a 30 Hz analyzer bandwith.<br>
In my setup I use the K5TFD 22 aug 2009 PSDR, Ozy FX2 2009 05 24, Ozy:16, Mercury:27, Penelope: 12, Initozy11.bat set to 0x14 and mike gain set to 15.<br><br>I have to add that I am very impressed with both the receiver and transmitter-performance of this HPSDR setup. With the internal two tone test I measure an IMD below 75 dBc at full output from Penelope (@3,7 MHz). After Penelope I use a fixed attenuator of 22 dB before amplifying the TX signal to 100W in a PA/LPF "borrowed" from an IC-756. Even after this rather old bipolar amplifier I get an IMD of approx. - 40 dBc which I still think is a remarkable figure at this power level and 13 V DC feed. <br>
<br>Any chance that you have RF into your audio circuit ? I use plenty of ferrite on all small signal cables.<br><br>73's from OZ9MO / Jarl<br>