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<<Hi Rob, I don't think we will have enough FPGA pins to have both options. 73's Phil...<br><br>Like many lurkers here I am keenly awaiting the release of Hermes as an entry point into SDR.<br>So I would urge caution about introducing novelty...<br>
but I can see that ethernet would be a very attractive capability for many.<br><br>So if it can be cone without introducing too much risk,<br>why not implement ethernet in a way that would allow retention of USB ?<br>If there is a shortage of FPGA pins then presumably jumpers or links could be used to enable / disable relevant interfaces<br>
and route these FPGA signals to the correct interface.<br></div><br>Alternatively, how about introducing just enough additional connectivity options such as pads for some header pins and perhaps some breakable links so that an Ethernet module could be more easily added at a later stage as an alternative to USB.<br>