C:\SDR>loadFW 0xfffe 0x0007 ozyfw-sdr1k.hex usb_find_busses returned: 1 usb_find_devices returned: 1 ResetCPU(true).......returns 1 UploadFirmware('\ozyfw-sdr1k.hex\')......returns 742 ResetCPU(false).......returns 1 HPSDR_UploadFirmware: Processed 742 lines. C:\SDR>msecsleep 3000 C:\SDR>loadFPGA 0xfffe 0x0007 Ozy_Janus.rbf usb_find_busses returned: 1 usb_find_devices returned: 1 121875 bytes transferred. LoadFPGA succeeded! C:\SDR>rem 1E 00 - Reset chip C:\SDR>rem 12 01 - set digital interface active C:\SDR>rem 08 15 - D/A on, mic input, mic 20dB boost C:\SDR>rem 08 14 - ditto but no mic boost C:\SDR>rem 0C 00 - All chip power on C:\SDR>rem 0E 02 - Slave, 16 bit, I2S C:\SDR>rem 10 00 - 48k, Normal mode C:\SDR>rem 0A 00 - turn D/A mute off C:\SDR>writeI2C 0xfffe 0x7 0x1a 0x2 0x1e 0x00 usb_find_busses returned: 1 usb_find_devices returned: 1 ***** Write to I2C Failed ***** I2C Bytes written = 0 C:\SDR>writeI2C 0xfffe 0x7 0x1a 0x2 0x12 0x01 usb_find_busses returned: 1 usb_find_devices returned: 1 ***** Write to I2C Failed ***** I2C Bytes written = 0 C:\SDR>writeI2C 0xfffe 0x7 0x1a 0x2 0x08 0x15 usb_find_busses returned: 1 usb_find_devices returned: 1 ***** Write to I2C Failed ***** I2C Bytes written = 0 C:\SDR>writeI2C 0xfffe 0x7 0x1a 0x2 0x0c 0x00 usb_find_busses returned: 1 usb_find_devices returned: 1 ***** Write to I2C Failed ***** I2C Bytes written = 0 C:\SDR>writeI2C 0xfffe 0x7 0x1a 0x2 0x0e 0x02 usb_find_busses returned: 1 usb_find_devices returned: 1 ***** Write to I2C Failed ***** I2C Bytes written = 0 C:\SDR>writeI2C 0xfffe 0x7 0x1a 0x2 0x10 0x00 usb_find_busses returned: 1 usb_find_devices returned: 1 ***** Write to I2C Failed ***** I2C Bytes written = 0 C:\SDR>writeI2C 0xfffe 0x7 0x1a 0x2 0x0a 0x00 usb_find_busses returned: 1 usb_find_devices returned: 1 ***** Write to I2C Failed ***** I2C Bytes written = 0 C:\SDR>rem C:\SDR>rem the following are for penny C:\SDR>writeI2C 0xfffe 0x7 0x1b 0x2 0x1e 0x00 usb_find_busses returned: 1 usb_find_devices returned: 1 I2C Bytes written = 2 C:\SDR>writeI2C 0xfffe 0x7 0x1b 0x2 0x12 0x01 usb_find_busses returned: 1 usb_find_devices returned: 1 I2C Bytes written = 2 C:\SDR>writeI2C 0xfffe 0x7 0x1b 0x2 0x08 0x15 usb_find_busses returned: 1 usb_find_devices returned: 1 I2C Bytes written = 2 C:\SDR>writeI2C 0xfffe 0x7 0x1b 0x2 0x0c 0x00 usb_find_busses returned: 1 usb_find_devices returned: 1 I2C Bytes written = 2 C:\SDR>writeI2C 0xfffe 0x7 0x1b 0x2 0x0e 0x02 usb_find_busses returned: 1 usb_find_devices returned: 1 I2C Bytes written = 2 C:\SDR>writeI2C 0xfffe 0x7 0x1b 0x2 0x10 0x00 usb_find_busses returned: 1 usb_find_devices returned: 1 I2C Bytes written = 2 C:\SDR>writeI2C 0xfffe 0x7 0x1b 0x2 0x0a 0x00 usb_find_busses returned: 1 usb_find_devices returned: 1 I2C Bytes written = 2 C:\SDR>rem pause