At 05:17 PM 10/09/2011 -0700, FRANCIS CARCIA wrote: <br>
<blockquote type=cite cite>***** High Performance Software Defined Radio
Discussion List ***** <br>
Hi everyone,<br>
>From a humble emi guy<br>
I read there are a number of issues with signals leaking out of
modules and strong RF getting in.</blockquote><br>
>From an operation point of view, having all the connectors on the boards
protruding from the case is inconvenient.<br>
In my application, using the Pandora enclosure, which is quite a nice box
to put HPSDR into, along with a 100W PA block, and room for a few more
bits and pieces, such as a planned 6m IPA and some T/R and other
switching circuits, is just fine.<br>
With the HPSDR board layout, having the RF connectors sticking out of the
enclosure is not convenient, as those need to be patched straight back
into the interior. I'm using the holes punched for Alex for that. Same
with the control connector on Penelope. The microphone connector is
routed back into the enclosure, to an 8-pin jack on the blank panel,
which in my application is the "front" panel. I even have the
headphone jack routed straight back into the enclosure to a headphone
jack on the front panel, and an internal audio amp and speaker. I didn't
like having the antenna of amplified computer speakers feeding RF back
into Mercury. All the above would be better on the other end of the
boards. The threaded pillars are set up for Atlas to orient the boards
with the connectors protruding.<br>
The only connections out of the enclosure directly from the HPSDR boards
is the 9-pin connector on Magister for the paddle, and USB to the
Obviously, to redesign to my whim would be impractical, so I'll just make
do with my own solutions above.<br>
I have planned a small Al plate to go behind the holes punched for Alex,
and mount several standard BNC bulkhead mount connectors to protrude
through the punched holes. Presently I have a couple of insulated BNCs
mounted in the holes. The insulated BNCs have a larger flange, and mount
directly in the Alex holes. I also have an insulated RCA connector
mounted there for the external T/R switching for an amplifier.<br>
The only time I've had issues with RF (I will run several hundred watts
at times) was when I had the external speakers. Now I nearly always use
I tried to find a spurious on 144.390 MHz, using an FM rig with a proper
antenna outside, and found nothing notable.<br>
I have several transceivers here in my station, but these are gathering
dust, as I work all my DX using the HPSDR.<br>
That's enough of my rambling for now.<br>
Vy 73,<br>
Luke VK3HJ</html>