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I have a program called Faros which is a beacon monitor.<br>
Faros gets his time sync from ntp GPS time servers.<br>
<span class="apple-style-span"><span
network beacons have GPS dicsiplined controller<br>
which allows path delay calculation and Faros does it.<br>
After 2h running I see 120ms latency growth (linear graph)<br>
and it's growing on. Which means that radio waves are traveling<br>
about one more circle around the world. It can't be so. Restarting<br>
PowerSDR brings the latency back to its initial state. Exactly the
same <br>
effect with CWSkimmer console. It's almost same vith VAC and with<br>
analog audio cable.<br>
The question is not even about latency itself or how much it is.<br>
The question is why's latency growing and how much it does?<br>
Is it somewhere in USB connection ? I'm Ozy user.<br>
Riho, ES7AAZ<br>