Hi Phil,<br><br>Yes, the current version of the PCB has been tested in small quantities (three) so far, Michael DL2FW has build one and I have assembled two with matching LAB results. I'm trying to sort out some production audit requirements for TAPR after which a machine run of ten boards would be done for the Hermes test team.<br>
<br>If all is well you should expect to see it go to the next stage (production), you can visit my blog for the latest info at <a href="http://hpsdrhermes.blogspot.com">hpsdrhermes.blogspot.com</a><br><br>Hope this helps,<br>
<br>73<br><br>Abhi<br><br>>>I have been reading about the progress of Hermes and can't find anything <br>>>since August when a production board was successfully tested.<br>>>If it's a production board, were can they be acquired?<br>
>>Who is building them? TAPR? iQuad?<br>>>thanks<br>>>Phil K3TUF<br>