<HTML><BODY><div><br> Hi, Phil.<br>When voltage is applied to the Metis, LED [0] - LED [12] did not alight.<br>When connect a jumper to JP1:<br><br>D14 = LED [0] ---- did not alight.<br>D15 = LED [1] ----- did not alight.<br>D16 = LED [2] ---- did not alight.<br>D17 = LED [3] --- did not alight.<br>D22 = LED [4] --- flashes.<br>D12 = LED [5] --- did not alight.<br>D11 = LED [6] --- LED are alight.<br>D13 = LED [7] --- did not alight.<br>D21 = LED [8] --- LED are alight.<br>D20 = LED [9] --- did not alight.<br>D19 = LED [10] - did not alight.<br>D18 = LED [11] - did not alight.<br>D23 = LED [12] - Flashes twice per second<br><br>use to Windows XP.<br>For some reason did not get to write static IP Address...<br><br>73"s Victor<br>UA4ATB<br><br><br></div></BODY></HTML>