All,<br><br>cleaning up converges slowly, so only minor changes in this V0.1.10. <br>As always, please find the archives on <a href=""></a><br>
<br>List of changes V0.1.10:<br><br>- added averaging for wideband panadapter<br>- fixed problem that Mercury/Metis are not correctly initialized after the first "Start" if more than one <br> receiver is selected (well, it was my fault: a wrong Bit in the C&C Bytes)<br>
- fixed wrong debug message in DOS-console after hitting "Start" command ("send Start command to Metis at ...")<br> just for decreasing user-entropy<br>- fixed receiver display layout when switching from view1 to view2<br>
<br><br clear="all">73, Hermann<br>DL3HVH<br>