Dear All,<br><br>This post is to clear some ambiguities regarding Hermes Production and some confusion wrt TAPR and Apache Labs manufactured Hermes,<br><br>I want to make it clear that I for one support the TAPR production run, please buy your Hermes cards from TAPR and support their Production run. The OpenHPSDR community would not have been where it is today without's TAPR's support, <br>
<br>Apache Labs is a commercial manufacturer and will manufacture and support Hermes in the long run, I developed the ANAN-10 not in competition with Apollo but to provide folks an option for a ready to use 10w transceiver option immediately available with Hermes, I am affiliated with Apache Labs and would like to Point out that we are not in competition with TAPR,<div>
<br></div><div>Both Apache and TAPR manufactured Hermes would be of the highest quality, OpenHPSDR is the leader in developing High Performance SDRs and we would be happy if we're able to play a small role in supporting it in the future,</div>
<div><br></div><div>You may of course buy Hermes or an ANAN-10 from Apache Labs after the 26th :),<span></span></div><div><br></div><div>73s,</div><div>Abhi</div>