<pre><font size="4">Hi Phil,<br><br>I agree it could also be an FPGA timing issue, however, the problem seems to be better when using a <br>fan with metis which means it could be thermal issue as well, if that is the case then we would need to compare the Gerbers of Metis <br>
with the Micrel evaluation board to see if the thermal dissipation provided to the Mosfet is similar on both boards,<br><br>The problem being resolved by reverting to a previous firmware could mean this is a software issue so I guess we need to look at both<br>
possible sources of the problem, <br><br>73s,<br>Abhi<br><br><br>Not sure that I agree. This part is used on the Micrel PHY evaluation
board and I ran it at 1000T for days on end without any problems.
I also ran 1000T on my Metis board whilst developing the code and whilst
U15 does get very hot it is still well within specs.
I have had a report of this problem being cured by reverting to previous
versions of Metis, Mercury and Penelope code.
In which case it may be a timing issue that is exaggerated when the FPGA
gets hot.
I can't reproduce this problem, and my boards run for many hours on end.
A Wireshark trace would be helpful since we would be able to see if its
Metis or Mercury that is stopping sending data.
73 Phil...VK6APH</font></pre>