Just wanted to see if an idea I have been considering would be possible/practical to implement.<br><br>Firstly what I'm trying to do.<br><br>I would like to receive dual polarization signals (initially for EME and on the 2M band, but later on higher bands and terrestrial work)<br>
<br>I assume this would be fairly easy with two Mercuries followed by two down converters.<br>But what I was wondering is would this be practical to implement with two down converters each using a separate IF and fed into a single Mercury that was in turn configured with two receivers.<br>
e.g. down converter 1 with an IF of 50 MHz and down converter 2 with an IF of 40 MHz and both down converters then combined and fed into Mercury.<br><br>I'm thinking this might allow the two receivers to be started with a consistent phase relationship which currently seems to be an issue with multiple Mercuries (and at a lower cost)<br>
<br>If the above is possible would it be practical to implement a similar arrangement for transmit with Penny (not sure if multiple transmitters have been implemented yet.<br><br>I won't be able to do any work on practically testing this for at least a few months but wanted to get an opinion on the practicality first off.<br>
<br>Thank you<br>Mark<br>EI4FNB<br>