Hi All,<br><br>For those making their own Hermes cards, please note corrections below,<br><br>Hermes BOM Corrections:<br><br>1. R102 & R145 are shown under item 4, 10nF Capacitor. I suspect this is<br>intentional, but just want to check it's not a typo?<br>
R102, R145 are bypass resistors in case you do not want to use SW1, if using SW1 they can either <br>be populated by 10nf caps or left unpopulated<br><br>2. Item 18 is shown as a 47uF capacitor, but the Digikey part number is for<br>
a 0.047uF capacitor. Should this show 47nF?<br>C185 was changed to a lower value for high frequency suppression<br><br>3. Item 54 is shown as LFCV-52+ in one column, but a LFCN-80+ in another<br>column. Which is the correct part?<br>
This filter was changed to the LFCV-52+<br><br>4. Item 78 shows a value of '220E', the part number is for a 180R resistor.<br>220E is the correct value<br><br>5. Item 92 is shown as a 63.4K resistor, the digikey part number in the<br>
last column is 63.4K, but the part number in the first column is 12K.<br>63.4K is the correct value<br><br>Corrections pointed out by Mike:<br><br>line, item, comment, correction<br>48, 10, "R126,R146", "C126,C146"<br>
58, 19, no digikey #, 587-1295-1-ND<br>104, 54, 535-10442-1-ND is 0402 size, 535-10493-1-ND is 0805 size<br><br>73s,<br><br>Abhi<br>