Hermes arrived today! Yay!!<br><br>Downloaded the manual "Hermes V1.6 -- <a href="">English</a>" from the HPSDR - Document site, to make the power connector. <br>
<br>The documentation appears to conflict with the board as shipped. <br><br>J10 connector is on the bottom of the board, not the top as shown in the annotated photograph on Page 7.<br><br>The traces from J10 Pins 1 and 4, to the pads on SW1 appear to be crossed over on the board as shipped vs. the photograph.<br>
<br>The board has a square pad opposite of pin 1, where my experience a square pad indicates pin 1. According to the Document the in with the square pin ( closest to the edge of the board) would would be Pin 4.<br><br>Please confirm if the document is correct or in error. I don't want to insert the 13.8V into the 12V line and damage the board.<br>
<br>73, Kevin kb3omm<br>