Hi All,<br><br>I just saw the posts on the reflector this morning, here are the details of jumpers and the power connector:<br><br>Power Connector (J10): The Square pin (pin1) connects to 12v, pin 2 and 3 are GND and pin 4 is NC if you are using the on board SMPS<br>
<br>Jumpers: J18, J21 should be shorted, J17 pin2-3 should be shorted, J26 pin2-3 should be shorted<br> Short J23 and J20 pin 1-3 to enable the 10Mhz TCXO<br><br>You will also have to place appropriate jumpers on JP4,5,6 to configure mic and ptt,<br>
<br>Hope this helps,<br><br>73s,<br>Abhi<br>