Hello to the list !<br><br>Like Rob i want to share my experiences building my own Hermes SDR from scratch. I hope it will be useful for others and may give others a kick to start their own.<br><br>Befor the Hermes i built successfully several Softrocks, a MoBo Transceiver and the latest the UHFSDR. The UHFSDR was the first one fully built out of SMD's which i soldered by hand.<br>
<br>With the Hermes i wanted to try the reflow method using a normal kitchen oven with 1500 Watts and 250 deg C. Before starting with the hermes i successfully reflowed several little boards i had around and never finished.<br>
<br>Some results you may see here:<br><br><a href="http://hermes-sdr-build.blogspot.de/2012/12/smt-reflow-soldering-first-try.html">http://hermes-sdr-build.blogspot.de/2012/12/smt-reflow-soldering-first-try.html</a><br><br>
Just a quick note to the first picture. This method i had to use later to solder the ADC LTC2208, because while using my stencil i did not get sufficiant solderpaste on top of the board. It worked.<br><br>You do not need a expensive reflow controller. I used a multimeter with a
temperature sensor and learned how to drive the reflow profile
manually.<br><br><a href="http://hermes-sdr-build.blogspot.de/2012/12/smt-reflow-soldering-preparing-oven.html">http://hermes-sdr-build.blogspot.de/2012/12/smt-reflow-soldering-preparing-oven.html</a><br><br>I then began to sort all about 540 parts i got from Digi-Key and others. I bought little boxes and began to unpack and sort every part!<br>
<br>At least i had a hill of 10 Boxes:<br><br><a href="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-6F9zr-pq-YE/UQLRfRzvQoI/AAAAAAAABy0/klN8WUXlknw/s1600/IMG_20130125_174128.jpg">http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-6F9zr-pq-YE/UQLRfRzvQoI/AAAAAAAABy0/klN8WUXlknw/s1600/IMG_20130125_174128.jpg</a><br>
<br>Very handy are the digikey labels which i cut off at the edge and glued them in every box.<br><br>To populate the solderpaste on the board using my stencil was the most critical process:<br><br><a href="http://hermes-sdr-build.blogspot.de/2012/12/hermes-sdr-board-stencil-arrived.html">http://hermes-sdr-build.blogspot.de/2012/12/hermes-sdr-board-stencil-arrived.html</a><br>
<br>Maybe i did something wrong with the pressure i used to press the paste through the holes, or the stencil was not cut at every hole. i do not know. <br><br>Result was, that at the FPGA and LTC2208 (the most expensive parts) i had nearly no paste at the side legs. At the LTC2208 nearly nothing. I decided to move further and put some paste manually at the LTC2208 legs.<br>
<br>I only placed all IC's, the MiniCircuit Parts, LED's with resistors and all Diodes on the board. That took about an hour. I had fear, that my solder paste gets too dry and decided<br> to burn the board.<br><br>
Four minutes later i had a result:<br><br><a href="http://hermes-sdr-build.blogspot.de/2013/01/success-with-baking-pcb.htm">http://hermes-sdr-build.blogspot.de/2013/01/success-with-baking-pcb.htm</a><br><br>An initial inspection brought several solder joints at the LTC2208 which where easy to remove with solder wick and a good flux. That was easily solved.<br>
<br>All other parts where ok, except the FPGA which was not soldered at on side ( north of the board ). I thought: "... that is easy, i saw this several times on youtube !" <br>My plan was to drive along the legs and solder leg after leg.<br>
<br>Oh man, what a mistake. That was not that easy than i thought before. I bent several legs and soldered them together. My heart began to pulse and my head became red. I thought: " that was it. All damaged !"<br>
<br>The operation to solve that disaster took me two hours. First of all i removed all solder with a lot of flux and solderwick. Next i placed the board just in front of my head and and with a four times magnifier and two little fixing pins from my wife i recurved leg for leg on the north side of the FPGA. You should have seen my smile, when i finished that. Oh man.<br>
<br>The rest was easy.<br><br>The only documents i used where the schematics and the BOM and the Tapr HIRes Photo.<br><br>At least i forgot to solder one side of R74 which prevented the board from starting.<br><br>You may think, what a mess. But maybe some others will give the build a try. <br>
<br>It is doable.<br><br>In my opinion good eyes and a good magnifier are the key.<br><br>Give it a try and report your results. <br><br>If you have questions, feel free to ask me.<br><br>Many thanks goes to the Project Team and the List.<br>
<br>I enjoyed the built ( most of the time :-) and i enjoy my little transceiver with this impressive cuSDR Software.<br><br>Thanks Guys!<br><br>73 Oliver DL6KBG<br><br><a href="http://youtu.be/_VVpdW4GQiY">http://youtu.be/_VVpdW4GQiY</a> <br>