<html><body style="font-family: 'Helvetica Neue',Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 12px;"><br />Gradually moving forward in getting my previous system going again <br /><br />Have Ozy (now a functional board) Mercury + Penny <br />Have managed to program these boards tho when I try to run PowerSDR under Windows it complains that the software versions are wrong and wont run<br />Not clear what numbers correspond to the versions I have <br />tried Linux instead - seems to recognize the USB port but cant get a functional program to compile under Qt <br />various problems with the QtMultimedia library and the version I have - trying GHPSDR3 <br />Is there a functional standalone program under Linux for this combination?<br />I guess everyone has moved on to Hermes<br /><br />Thanks for any ideas<br /><br />Richard <br />ex VK6BRO<br /><br /></body></html>