<div dir="ltr">Today I was using my ANAN-10 to get an idea of the total power coming in from my Pixelsat loop. This is a broad-band untuned loop with a preamp, good pretty much from DC to 30MHz. (Really it is useful from about 50kHz to 20MHz but it does have significant output above and below that range.) My assumption was ADC-L and ADC-R represented the actual ADC values relative to full-scale, based on the fact that PowerSDR labels the value in dBFS (decibels relative to full-scale). <div>
<br></div><div>You can imagine my surprise when I discovered that this value changed as I "tuned" the radio. (Yes I did check the attenuator and made sure it was set to 0dB for these tests.) Now my supposition is that what ADC-L and ADC-R are reporting are the values of the samples in a given RX "slice" rather than the actual ADC values. If this is the case, perhaps a new label is in order in PowerSDR? May I suggest, "Not Very Useful - L" and "Not Very Useful - R". Or perhaps, "Slice - I" and "Slice - Q". </div>
<div><br></div><div>But a reading of how close the input is to saturating the ADC(s) would be very useful.<br clear="all"><div><br></div>-- <br><div dir="ltr">Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN/J79BPL <img src="http://www.catb.org/hacker-emblem/glider.png"><br>
706 Flightline Drive<br>Spring Branch, TX 78070<br><a href="mailto:brian@lloyd.com" target="_blank">brian@lloyd.com</a><br><span><span id="gc-number-66" class="gc-cs-link" title="Call with Google Voice">+1.916.877.5067</span></span></div>