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<font size="+1">A bug confirmation, I don't remember the original
PowerSDR mRX PS v3.3.6<br>
Anan 100D<br>
Windows 10, AMD 1090T (6-core, 3.4 gHz)<br>
To operate diversity here at least it's necessary to first:<br>
(1) Set RX2 to ADC2 if not already<br>
(2) Turn RX2 on, then off<br>
(3) Enable Diversity<br>
It also seems that the the phase angle between receivers changes
between program runs. IOW, if I null a noise source then close
PowerSDR and reload it, the best null may be at a different phase
I enjoy diversity a lot, since most of my operation these days is
evenings on 160M. Without it, 160M is basically useless between
power noise, plasma TV's and the like.<br>
Thanks and 73,<br>
Jim N7CXI<br>