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<DIV>Can somebody please point me to documentation on Pure Signal 2 ? It seems to differ in operation from that described in the documentation for the original Pure Signal although I found my way around it.</DIV>
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<DIV>I have implemented Pure Signal 2 on a Hermes/ANAN 10 setup driving a Juma 1000 LDMOS PA. At 900 - 1000W. I am using the latest PowerSDR interface release (3.4.7) and the latest Hermes firmware. At 900 W into a dummy load it takes the first order products in the two tone test down by > 30 dB to a level just below -60 dB wrt the single tone. Nice result ! However whatever feedback level I set (up to each tone at 0 dBm) the "Feedback" indicator in the PowerSDR screen flashes red. Does that mean two much or too little feedback ? Or just that the feedback is Ok ? Thanks for any elucidation</DIV>
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<DIV>Actually the feedback level seems pretty non critical. With a coupler loss of -54 dB I get good results at 10 W barefoot as well as 1000W from the Juma</DIV>
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<DIV>73, Dick</DIV>