<html><head></head><body><div class="yahoo-style-wrap" style="font-family:Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:16px;"><div><br></div><b><font size="5" style="color: rgb(157, 24, 17);">CALL FOR ARRL/TAPR DCC (Digital Communications Conference) <br><br>PAPERS & PRESENTATIONS AT DCC </font><br><br><font color="#652191">2022 ARRL/TAPR DCC - Call for Papers</font></b><br><br>Papers submitted for the DCC will be published in the Conference Proceedings. <br>Papers will be published exactly as submitted and authors will retain all rights.<br><br>Papers should be submitted via e-mail to Maty Weinberg, KB1EIB (kb1eib@arrl.org) by September 1, 2022. <br><br>Authors do not need to present at the conference to have their papers included in the Proceedings. <br><br><b><font color="#440062">Authors who plan to present their paper at the DCC must contact Steve, N7HPR at: steven.bible@gmail.com in order to schedule their speaking time slot.</font><br><br><font color="#9c005c">However topics can also be presented at the DCC without submitting a paper. Presenters need to contact Steve, N7HPR at: steven.bible@gmail.com to schedule their speaking time slot. </font></b><br><br>Conference papers will be distributed as Acrobat (.PDF) documents to attendees at the DCC. <br>Printed copies of the papers will be available for sale at Lulu (www.lulu.com). <br><div><br></div> On Thursday, August 25, 2022 at 12:12:25 PM CDT, Mark Thompson <wb9qzb_groups@yahoo.com> wrote: <br><br><div><br></div><font color="#cb008e" size="5"><b>40th Anniversary ARRL/TAPR DCC <br>(Digital Communications Conference) </b></font><br><br>Charlotte, North Carolina <br><br>September 16-18, 2022<br><br><div dir="ltr" data-setdir="false"><b><font size="5" color="#845aa7">Call for Papers </font></b></div><div dir="ltr" data-setdir="false"><b><span><font size="5" color="#845aa7" style="background-color: inherit;">2022 ARRL/TAPR DCC </font></span><br></b></div><b><font color="#4c76a2">https://tapr.org/call-for-papers-2022-digital-communications-conference/</font></b><br><br><div><br></div><br><br><br><br><br><br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br><br><br><br></div></body></html>