[hpsdr] help please - getting started with secondhand HPSDR board set

Phil Harman phil at pharman.org
Tue Dec 4 15:46:44 PST 2012

Hi Laurence,

I'd just like to check exactly what you are trying to do.

Unlike Mercury and Penny(Lane) the code for Ozy is not held in EEPROM on
the board.  Instead is loaded via the USB each time PowerSDR is started.

Hence there is no equivalent process to upload new code to Ozy.  The
version of code loaded by PowerSDR is in an initozy.bat file.  In order to
load a later version of Ozy code you either edit the bat file or replace
it with a revised version.

The document that Joe pointed you to has instructions relating to
programming an Ozy board that has just been built.

Hope that helps.

73 Phil...VK6APH

> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
> Hi Laurence,
> The information you are seeking is in a document written by Graham KE9H:
> http://openhpsdr.org/support/Ozy/Program%20New%20OZY.pdf
> 73,  Joe K5SO
> On Dec 4, 2012, at 2:33 PM, Laurence Barker wrote:
>> Does anyone know where the mechanism for ozy firmware updates is
>> documented
>> – I’d like to understand the process involved.
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