[hpsdr] help please - getting started with secondhand HPSDR board set

Laurence Barker laurence at cmlelectronics.co.uk
Wed Dec 5 10:40:00 PST 2012

Phil, Joe

Thank you for taking the time to answer my question!

What I wanted to do was to understand the process by which the correct ozy
FPGA firmware file was selected. I'd installed the newer version of
PowerSDR, which has approx 6 ozy firmware builds in the directory. I'd run
PowerSDR and my boards had not come to life (all I had on the display was a
DC "spike"). Eventually I manually ran int_ozy, then ran PowerSDR and it
came to life. 

Other than telling me that it isn't loaded from Flash (which I knew anyway)
Google was no help. (Some would say it never is, but takes you to a lot of
interesting material to make up for it...)

I have now understood the process from reading the document Joe had sent.
What I think was happening was that the FX2 processor and the FPGA had
already been loaded by the earlier version of PowerSDR, and because I hadn't
power cycled the system the new firmware wasn't being loaded. If I'd
switched the power off then on after installing the new version of PowerSDR,
it would have been running much sooner.

Having now read the content of initozy.bat, I understand how the appropriate
firmware version is selected!

I don't know who maintains the documentation, but the "quick start" guide
got me through the end-to-end process which consists of many essential
steps. It presented the whole process in a logical, easy to follow way.
Including the Altera "blaster" program, there were hundreds of megabytes of
download involved. Whoever wrote it - thank you. The only thing that I'd
comment on is that the description of where to get PowerSDR is out-of-date:
the newest version seems to come from the "downloads" page with an install
program, rather than getting it from SVN. 

Laurence Barker

Director, CML Electronics Limited
Home of DCC & LocoNet Certified Accessories www.cmlelectronics.co.uk


-----Original Message-----
From: hpsdr-bounces at lists.openhpsdr.org
[mailto:hpsdr-bounces at lists.openhpsdr.org] On Behalf Of Phil Harman
Sent: 04 December 2012 23:47
To: Joe Martin K5SO
Cc: HPSDR list
Subject: Re: [hpsdr] help please - getting started with secondhand HPSDR
board set

***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****

Hi Laurence,

I'd just like to check exactly what you are trying to do.

Unlike Mercury and Penny(Lane) the code for Ozy is not held in EEPROM on
the board.  Instead is loaded via the USB each time PowerSDR is started.

Hence there is no equivalent process to upload new code to Ozy.  The
version of code loaded by PowerSDR is in an initozy.bat file.  In order to
load a later version of Ozy code you either edit the bat file or replace
it with a revised version.

The document that Joe pointed you to has instructions relating to
programming an Ozy board that has just been built.

Hope that helps.

73 Phil...VK6APH

> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
> Hi Laurence,
> The information you are seeking is in a document written by Graham KE9H:
> http://openhpsdr.org/support/Ozy/Program%20New%20OZY.pdf
> 73,  Joe K5SO
> On Dec 4, 2012, at 2:33 PM, Laurence Barker wrote:
>> Does anyone know where the mechanism for ozy firmware updates is
>> documented
>> - I'd like to understand the process involved.
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