[hpsdr] Xilinx Code and Oleg Skydan work

Leon Heller leon.heller at bulldoghome.com
Wed Jun 14 12:26:24 PDT 2006

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bob McGwier" <n4hy at idaccr.org>
To: "Alex" <harvilchuck at yahoo.com>
Cc: <hpsdr at hpsdr.org>
Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2006 8:14 PM
Subject: Re: [hpsdr] Xilinx Code and Oleg Skydan work

> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
> At the risk of finally proving to myself that I am only talking to 
> myself,  let me repeat with more emphasis and less math,  what I said in 
> my last about the Taylor Series DDS.  At its heart, it is a trivial 
> piece of nothing work done by trig identities .  My daughter learned 
> these in the seventh grade.   The hype stuff they have added is the 
> control fixtures to allow you to make changes and settings on the fly.  
> This will ONLY work with their boards.  The stuff is not useful to us.
> We should do our own verilog design for this and stick it in opencores 
> and advertise it on the hpsdr web site with about as much hype as they 
> did.  We can add a second section of correction to the process and call 
> it  Parabolic Taylor Series Corrected DDS and put out 2^12 * 2^10 * 2^10 
> table lookup based corrections and do a 64 bit accumulator and show the 
> noise floor at -190 dBm.  It will mean as little as this hype does.
> I have been a fan of Oleg for a long time (the first note that comes up 
> in google has my name in it).  His work is brilliant and done on a shoe 
> string.
> For some reason,  I still had the URL to a pdf of his synthesizer.  That 
> is STILL ACTIVE.  Download it now before that too disappears.
> http://skydan.in.ua/T03DSP/Download/SchSynth.pdf
> There is no copyright or other notice on the schematic.  If we place it 
> someplace (hpsdr or hamsdr), I insist that we give Oleg full credit in 
> the blurb.  I would prefer modifying it with adobe pro or similar tool 
> to have Oleg's name and callsign on it.

What about the code for the CPLD?

73, Leon


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