[hpsdr] Operating Configurations

Lyle Johnson kk7p at wavecable.com
Fri May 12 11:22:48 PDT 2006

Hello Chris!

> ...1-Wire sounds even better in principle; I
> just can't make the available parts I know about - and I know very
> little about them - fit the problem. For instance, my brief scan of the
> EEPROM data sheet indicated that the "Erasable" part of that is very
> weak; essentially these are Once Programmable devices. For developer's,
> turning the typical cycle into Code, Compile, Load, Debug, Heat Up
> Soldering Iron, Replace Part and Repeat, doesn't sound very appealing.
> Nevermind expensive.

DS2431P has 1 k-bit of EEPROM, can be erased/programmed 200,000 times, 
retention is 10 years minimum, and costs 61 cents in 1K qty ($1.15 in 
unit qty).  And has a 64-bit serial number unique to each device.


Lyle KK7P


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