[hpsdr] High Accuracy Timing for HPSDR
Steven Bible
srbible at earthlink.net
Wed May 17 10:54:21 PDT 2006
Hello Alex,
Right now it is rough. Let's get past Dayton and I'll start work on it again. Remind me!
- Steve N7HPR
-----Original Message-----
>From: Alex <harvilchuck at yahoo.com>
>Sent: May 17, 2006 8:48 AM
>To: Steven Bible <n7hpr at tapr.org>, hpsdr at hpsdr.org
>Subject: Re: [hpsdr] High Accuracy Timing for HPSDR
>Any circuit diagrams to share?
>Alex, N3NP
>----- Original Message ----
>From: Steven Bible <n7hpr at tapr.org>
>To: hpsdr at hpsdr.org
>Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2006 10:54:08 PM
>Subject: Re: [hpsdr] High Accuracy Timing for HPSDR
>***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
>Hi Alex,
>I'd be willing to help with this board since I was the one that laid out the
>Reflock II PCB.
>As to a GPS engine, we need to look for a timing GPS. A timing GPS can
>perform a self survey and then lock its position for a more accurate 1PPS
>signal. The older 8-channel Oncode UT, UT+, and VP, or the newer 12-channel
>M12, M12+, and M12+ Timing have been timing GPS of choice for hams since we
>could buy them and using W2GPS's TAC32 program to operate them. Since
>Motorola sold off its Oncore line to SiRF, and the dust is about to settle,
>the M12 line will come out later this year as the M12M.
>I have already started on a PCB that integrates the GPS, Reflock II, and 10
>MHz OCXO (I am looking at the Crystek CO27VH15DE-12-10.000 available from
>Mouser). The goal I have is to design the board such that all the parts can
>be readily purchased. I really don't want to rely on surplus GPSs and
>OCXOs. This entire lash up will be tested in N8UR's timing lab. The GPS
>footprint would accomidate the Oncore UT/VP and M12 GPSs. So if you can
>populate which ever one you have on hand, or can purchase surplus or a new
>- Steve, N7HPR
> (n7hpr at tapr.org)
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Alex [mailto:harvilchuck at yahoo.com]
>> Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2006 2:44 PM
>> To: hpsdr at hpsdr.org
>> Cc: Steven Bible
>> Subject: High Accuracy Timing for HPSDR
>> Would it make sense to have a frequency reference board for the HPSDR?
>> How about an ATLAS version of the Reflock II board with an integrated GPS?
>> Say the Sony CXD2956AGL-1 baseband processor and the Sony
>> CXA3355TQ downconverter - basically the guts from an OnStar (tm)
>> GPS receiver...
>> CXD2956AGL-1 -
>> http://www.sony.co.jp/~semicon/english/img/sony01/a6808473.pdf
>> CXA355TQ - http://www.sony.co.jp/~semicon/english/img/sony01/a6807578.pdf
>> add an appropriate VCXO, put some SMA connectors across the top
>> of the card (modifying the TAPR TADD-1 design) to distribute the
>> reference signal and then you've got a necessary building block
>> for use by transmitter and receiver board designs ...
>> Just a bit of circut design to add the new parts, the Altera MAX
>> II coding is done for the Reflock II. Will need to add a bit of
>> code for the GPS baseband processor control, it looks like there
>> are enough I/O lines available on the MAX II (based on the docs
>> on CT1DMK's website) unless you let OZY control it. Plus
>> interface the MAX II to the OZY.
>> I could even be persuaded to pony the money up for a couple alpha boards.
>> Alex, N3NP
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\r\n- Steve\r\n (n7hpr at tapr.org)\r\n
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