[hpsdr] High Performance DDS Oscillator source

Tayloe Dan-P26412 Dan.Tayloe at motorola.com
Tue Aug 14 15:34:35 PDT 2007

I guess the +/- 150 KHz frequency accuracy rating at 900 MHz for a SAW
filter would not be particularly attractive as a frequency source.

- Dan, N7VE 

-----Original Message-----
From: Tayloe Dan-P26412 
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2007 3:27 PM
To: 'g.loch at nt-electronics.de'; hpsdr at lists.hpsdr.org
Subject: RE: High Performance DDS Oscillator source

Not knowing any better, I do see that there are SAW resonators in the
900 MHz region in the sub $4 range from Mouser (815-ASR915E).  Perhaps
these could be used in a reasonably low noise oscillator.

It would be interesting to discover if the HF trick could be used where
one crystal (SAW resonator) is used as an oscillator, and a couple
others are used as a filter to strip off excess sideband noise from the
oscillator signal

- Dan, N7VE

-----Original Message-----
From: Gerd Loch [mailto:g.loch at nt-electronics.de]
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2007 12:50 AM
To: hpsdr at lists.hpsdr.org
Cc: Tayloe Dan-P26412
Subject: RE: High Performance DDS Oscillator source

I am working on a design with the AD9912 and I asked AD which
combination of clock generator frequency and clock multiplier is
expected to give the lowest jitter or phase noise.
The answer from AD was the best choice would be to use a 1 GHz sine

Any suggetions how to get an affordable 1 Ghz stable and "clean" sine

73 Gerd, DJ8AY


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