[Hpsdr] New PowerSDR features in Flex SVN 1352 and later

Bill Tracey bill at ewjt.com
Tue Jul 24 21:06:28 PDT 2007

Folks -- I've updated the PowerSDR J/O support code to run 
initozy11.bat automatically and only when needed.    Also did some 
cleaning up on the initialization and error handling for Ozy.  I 
believe that there are no more cases where the PC hangs when you try 
and run PowerSDR without Ozy initialized. powered on, connected 
etc.  This also involved a change to the FX2 firmware - added a 
vendor in handler to return the versino fo the firmware -- this is 
what I use to see if Ozy has been initiailzed.  The source for the 
FX2 firmware  is 

The PowerSDR binaries are 
These binaries include the new firmware.

My current work list for PowerSDR J/O support is to get the 
TLV320AIC23B  codec hooked up to appropriate controls in PowerSDR 
(mic gain, boost)  and to add support for reading the SWR A/D 
converter on the 100 watt SDR 1000.


Bill (kd5tfd)


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