[hpsdr] Demeter = HPSDR power supply(?)
Jeroen Bastemeijer
J.Bastemeijer at TUDelft.nl
Fri Jun 8 07:23:42 PDT 2007
Dear All,
Please allow me to (further) introduce myself. My name is Jeroen
Bastemeijer, I am a radio-amateur (callsign PE1RGE) of 32 years old. In
my professional life I'm an elecronics engineer working at the Delft
University of Technology in the Netherlands. From the beginning of the
HPSDR project I have been a member of the reflector/project and,
occasionally, I submitted a post to the reflector.
Last week I received the HPSDR boards and ATLAS-component kits from
TAPR. They must have loved the boards at the customs.... they kept them
for almost four weeks!
Now the boards have arrived, it's time for some hands-on experiments!
The only thing I still need is a good power supply for the HPSDR.
Becauses I wasn't sure which one to buy, I looked around on the
internet. Off course I did some research on the PicoPSU, and I looked
into "ordinary" computer power supplies as well. Unfortunately, I
couldn't find a power supply which seemed the ultimate solution for the
High Performance SDR project.
After giving it some thought, I send an E-mail to Phil N8VB. To him I
proposed to add a custom power supply to the HPSDR project. His reply:
< I agree that we need a custom power supply solution. Just send your
proposal to the HPSDR list. >
So, here it is.... my proposal! :-)
First thing the power supply needs is a name. So I have been looking
into the Greek gods and other creatures, and I found.....
"Demeter" is the Goddes of grain and fertility , the pure nourisher of
the youth and the green earth, the health-giving cycle of life and
death, and preserver of marriage and the sacred law.
The first part of the description, really applies to a power supply. The
last part.... not really, but we can't blaim her, at that time the power
supplies still had to be invented. Furthermore, I like the name, it's
easy to pronounce. ;-)
Second step in the design process will be to find other enthusiasts who
are willing to participate in the design-process and to determine the
specifications for the power supply.
What I was thinking about:
* Output voltages +12 Volt, +5 Volt, -12 Volt (current ratings to be
* An optional standby power supply for the OCXO (24 Volt?) and the
GPS-engine of Gibraltar
* Electronic (software) switch on/off
* Input voltage: 13,8 Volt (mobile use), 110 Volt, 230 Volt
* Computer monitoring of the currents and voltages
* Output protection (crow-bar) and current limiters
* ............
Because this project is not determined by one individual, we should
first agree on the specs for the project, so:
If you have any suggestions, questions, ideas, or data for the Demeter
spec-sheet, please be so kind to E-mail them to me and the HPSDR-community.
Looking forward to your response!
73 Jeroen PE1RGE
Ing. Jeroen Bastemeijer
Delft University of Technology
Department of Electrical Engineering
Electronic Instrumentation Laboratory
Mekelweg 4, Room 13.090
2628 CD Delft
The Netherlands
Phone: +
Fax: +
E-mail: J.Bastemeijer at TUDelft.nl
GPS: Lat N52.00002 Lon E4.37157 Alt 46.2m
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