[hpsdr] Ozy with Gb Ethernet

Tony Langdon vk3jed at gmail.com
Sun Mar 11 16:45:57 PDT 2007

At 09:37 AM 3/12/2007, Donald Kay wrote:
>Hi Tony,
>I should have been more specific. I wasn't saying I didn't
>want a network interface. Actually I would love one. I just
>don't want to see a twisted pair interface. Either an on
>board wireless NIC or a fiber interface would be preferable
>IMHO. There is no reason we can't have both I guess. As long
>as there is an alternative I don't have to plug in the twisted

Well, fibre isn't seen as an option here outside of the big end of 
town.  I would have to make enquiries, and I suspect there is a 
significant price differential in both hardware and cabling.  Maybe 
the situation is different in the US.  If it can be incorporated into 
the radio for minimal extra cost, that's a good thing, but we down 
here may need twisted pair for a couple of years...

73 de VK3JED


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