[hpsdr] preselectors

Darrell Bellerive va7to at yahoo.ca
Mon Mar 12 18:41:25 PDT 2007

On March 12, 2007 10:42 am, Graham Haddock wrote:
> solid state switches can be cheaper than relays these days, in
> addition to much smaller and faster.

And QUIETER!!!! There is enough noise on the bands without adding it in the 
shack. No motors, relays, fans, etc.

I'm the guy who can hear the motor in a DVD player or VCR while a movie is 
playing and hates it.

Then again, if the DSP algorithms produce a lot of audio artifacts, then 
perhaps loud motors and fans will mask them. :-)

Darrell Bellerive
Amateur Radio Stations VA7TO and VE7CLA
Grand Forks, British Columbia, Canada


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