[hpsdr] Preselectior switching

Giancarlo Moda i7swx at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 17 10:18:41 PDT 2007

Hi Eric,

sharing ideas and information should be a must for
every ham.. even if one learns a little bit everyday
and  forget another little bit then will be able to
pick up knowledege and experiences. I believe idea
sharing, even if wrong or not working is usefull at
worst one blow-up a few components ...hi

Thanks Dale, WA8SRA to make available server and disc

BTW I cannot spend my lunchtime with links as my XYL
will get mad at me and make me starve ... already she
wants to put a bed for me in my shack...hi

73 everyone


--- Eric Ellison <ecellison at gmail.com> wrote:

> Gian
> Not a problem! Thanks for the upload! Dale - WA8SRA
> is very gracious in
> supporting anything SDR related, and allows for very
> large uploads, which
> are not suitable for Reflector message attachments.
> (Or e-mail attachments
> of any sort for that matter! (smile)).
> In a very large part, I'm here to learn, and
> thoroughly enjoy watching and
> participating in the process and ideas which result
> from the design and
> discussion process. Most recently the Ethernet
> information. I have spent
> quite a number of hours just reading about Ethernet
> devices as a result of
> the discussions.
> I would discourage anyone from NOT posting here as
> the 'central point' of
> anything HPSDR related from Enclosures to GUI's to
> filters. Dividing the
> focus to different forums and reflectors, detracts
> from the learning! Put in
> more Links. I spend my lunchtimes in the achieves
> following links!
> Thanks
> Eric
> thanks for guiding me on the upload.
> Gian

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