[hpsdr] Educational SDR Advice Sought

Yoder, Mark A yoder at rose-hulman.edu
Wed May 9 08:44:39 PDT 2007

The "Electronics of Radio" by David Rutledge
(http://www.arrl.org/catalog/?item=ERAD) does a nice job of walking a
student through the theory and building of a traditional NorCal 40A.  


Last year I attempted a revision of the book, called "The Elements of
SDR" which walked my students through the theory and building of a
SoftRock40.  Details can be found at
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Elements_of_SDR/.  The latest SoftRock at
the time was v5.0, so all my efforts were tuned toward it.


If you are more interested in the software side, check out
"Telecommunications Breakdown: Concepts of Communication Transmitted via
Software-Defined Radio" by Johnson and Sethares
tml).  They build an entire SDR via MATLAB (sorry, no real-time).  I've
use the text for three years now and like it.   (In the name of full
disclosure, I am in discussions with the authors about helping them with
a new revision of the book.)


I agree with Chris that you need to keep it simple for the students.
I'd suggest one class for building the hardware, another for building
the software and a third class for making it all run in real-time.




--Mark A. Yoder             ka9elg

  Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology




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