[hpsdr] Boards delivered in Italy
Giancarlo Moda
i7swx at yahoo.com
Tue May 15 12:39:35 PDT 2007
Message: 12
Date: Tue, 15 May 2007 16:45:18 +0200
From: Alberto I2PHD <i2phd at weaksignals.com>
Subject: Re: [hpsdr] Boards delivered in Italy
To: hpsdr at hpsdr.org
Message-ID: <4649C77E.4040000 at weaksignals.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1;
Ahti Aintila wrote:
> Alberto and all in EU,
> The European tariff code for parts of radio
transmitters/receivers is
> 8529902090 and the customs duty in 0%. The only
payment should be the
> Value Added Tax (VAT), if you make the clearance
> 73, Ahti OH2RZ
Hi Ahti,
you should say that to the Italian Custom.... the
parcel was
delivered at my house by a courier that presented me
invoice with the amount they had paid to the Custom
office. Of course
they would give me the two packets only after I
had paid them the same amount... I think I have no way
to get that
money back... in Italy bureaucracy has reached a
state of art in itself. Probably I could have that
money back only
after a few years of legal actions, and with expenses
on my side that would exceed by far the amount that I
eventually, receive back...
Thanks Mr. Prodi with all my heart... now, when the
next political
elections are scheduled for ?
73 Alberto I2PHD
> Hi my dears,
I suggest to use the import numbere for Personal
Computers where the tax is 0% but as PC parts people
will not get "suspicious" as PC cards are heavily
imported in ECC... even in Italy
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