[hpsdr] Pandora

Ben Hall kd5byb at bellsouth.net
Sat May 19 16:36:02 PDT 2007

Good evening Greg and gang!

G. Beat wrote:
> Is the $50 or less price target for an enclosure -- really realistic?

It may or may not be - the $50 target is exactly that: a target.  If we 
can design something for less than $50, I think everyone here would be 
ecstatic.  If the cost grows to $75, I don't think many folks here would 
have a problem as long as the box has good quality.

But I think when you start looking at spending $100 or more for case, 
some folks (like me!) will have to balance spending $100 on a case 
versus putting that same $100 towards the next HPSDR board.

So, I'd like to stay near the $50 mark, but won't worry too much if that 
grows to $75.

> Computer cases imported from Far East run from $50 to $150 USD,
> many without the power supply (ATX).

Absolutely true - especially if you want reasonable quality.  Yet, it's 
possible for the Pandora enclosure to be far less complicated than a PC 
case and be less expensive: We don't need racks for drives, mounting 
brackets for fans, multiple tapped holes for ATX/miniATX/BTX 
motherboards, etc...

Thanks and 73,


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