[hpsdr] Pandora Update and Question

Chris Albertson chrisalbertson90278 at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 4 11:49:26 PDT 2007

I looked at the 3D model on the wiki.  I occurred to me that the only
truly custom part is the pack panel.    Any proper size case could
work as long as the slots on the back matched the cards that are
plugged into Atlas.  Perhaps a cheap way to get this back panel made
with international distribution is to not make the back panel out
of sheet metal but from PCB material (coper clad fiberglass.)

Any of a dozen of the overnight PCB fabricators can make a custom
board with holes routed the exact shape of the connectors on the
backs of the various HPSDR cards. The coper cladding makes as good
a shield or ground as does aluminum sheet.  The real difference is
that for sheet metal you need a high volume production run to make
stamping out custom prts economical but PCB makers are setup for
low volume custom work.  There could be a half dozen design files
on the web, one panel design for a specific mix of HDSDR cards.

I'm thinking of using this technique myself for the front pannels
of some equipment I'm building for myself.  I occured to me a
while back that I could etch traces to _much_ closer toleraces
than I can cut aluminum sheet so why not use my PCB layout 
software for front panel design?   So if I can do front panels
why not rear panels with connector cutouts?

Chris Albertson
  Home:   310-376-1029  chrisalbertson90278 at yahoo.com
  Office: 310-336-5189  Christopher.J.Albertson at aero.org

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