[hpsdr] Tiny Demeter Proposal and Time Zones, was: Re: Tiny Demeter / Time zones

Jeroen Bastemeijer J.Bastemeijer at TUDelft.nl
Fri Jun 13 04:13:52 PDT 2008

Dear Eric/all,

Thank you for your post! Unfortunately I wasn't able to reply earlier.

First: About the European Teamspeak: I would propose 19:30 or 20:00 UTC, 
but maybe there are others who want to make another proposal. Sad thing 
is, the coming two Saturdays I won't be able to attend the teamspeak... 
I'm away whole weekend without internet access.

But the good news: I was able to produce a block-diagram for Tiny Demeter!

Please have a look at the Demeter WIKI-page. There you can find the 
schematic and a short explanation. Maybe, the schematic looks rather 
complicated to some people, however some blocks only consist of a single 
or just a few components.

I'm looking forward to your comments! Hope to hear some discussion about 
Tiny Demeter in the Teamspeak recording.....

Have a nice weekend,

73 Jeroen PE1RGE
> Hi Jeroen/all!
> 'Tiny Demeter' was not discussed during this Teamspeak session. Perhaps
> Scotty can comment here and get the creative juices flowing in ASCII.
> Let's take a shot at an EU friendly time this Saturday. You 'name it' and
> I'll be there! Call it HPSDR EU! Give it in utc and even as a 'time
> challenged' person I'll figure it out! (smile). I'll record and post. If
> Mike join's he can post. It IS a team effort.
> I agree with you on putting everything here on hpsdr. It is the 
> hallmark of
> development! I say that with one caveat: When most of the project 
> planning
> and discussions have taken place on HPSDR then the project and alpha team
> members benefit by being able to 'tweak' the alpha on Teamspeak or other
> means. That is very much my own opinion.
> I'd like to get Pandora going again, even if just a moderator, not a 
> Project
> Leader. I didn't get any discussion on my 'bait'. I think the mechanical
> folk in the group can create something worthy of the H in HPSDR! By 
> the end
> of the year, I expect we will have Atlas, Janus, Ozy, Penelope, Mercury,
> Alex, Gibralter, Pinocchio and (Pheonix)? IMHO: That is a stellar
> accomplishment for a cooperative 'loosely formed group of genius folk'! I
> also expect that, as has been proven already these will be WORLD CLASS
> offerings! The 'best of the best' due to the communications of this group
> and even Teamspeak!
> Let's go for it!
> Thanks for all the excitement in my old ham radio soul!
> Eric - AA4SW
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeroen Bastemeijer [mailto:J.Bastemeijer at TUDelft.nl] Sent: 
> Monday, June 09, 2008 10:06 AM
> To: Eric Ellison
> Cc: hpsdr at lists.hpsdr.org
> Subject: Re: [hpsdr] Tiny Demeter / Time zones
> Eric (and others),
> Thank you for your E-mail! I have been listening to the recordings of 
> team-speak for about a year now. Indeed the discussions are very 
> interesting.
> Allthough I'm very often away in the weekends (busy with the 
> Scouting/Scout movement) a time somewhere Saturday evening (local 
> time, the Netherlands (UTC +1 Hour or 2 Hours)) would be convenient. 
> As the HPSDR project is worldwide, it would be nice to know where the 
> participants live. Especially in which timezone. Once we have such an 
> overview a good proposal could be made for a (or another) teamspeak 
> session.
> On the other hand, the recordings of the Teamspeak sessions are very 
> valuable (thank you Mike!). The only drawback for a project leader is 
> that he/she(?) is missing an opportunity to discuss his/her project. 
> Everything should be done by mail or the HPSDR-site.
> For now, next thing I will do is downloading the latest teamspeak file 
> and listen to the recording. I'm very curious if there was any 
> discussion about (Tiny) Demeter.... I will get back to you all,
> 73 Jeroen PE1RGE
> Eric Ellison schreef:
>> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
>> Jeroen
>> Great! Scotty and I had a really FUN time discussing this. What 
>> Scotty was
>> planning made a LOT of sense, and probably could be very 'quiet' and
>> powerful enough to handle a lot, and plug into the Atlas connector
> directly.
>> You are right! Although it is NOT meant to circumvent this list, and is
>> almost ALWAYS recorded, Teamspeak can LEAP things forward by 'rapid'
>> collaboration. There is MOST definitely a problem with Timezones. TAPR,
>> AMSAT, Digital Voice, Astronomy, and other core groups and others use 
>> the
>> resource productively and Collaborate all the time. The good thing is 
>> that
>> you DID listen to the audio and posted comments back to the list, so
> others,
>> if they are interested, can go back and listen.
>> Actually Phil, Bill, and other HPSDR project leaders, are there 
>> virtually
>> every week on Sat 01:00 UCT, since the beginning over 3 years ago. It is
>> probably the best place to get updates on almost every active HPSDR
> project!
>> And make contributions. I think the 15 to 25 diehards who come every 
>> week
> or
>> couple of weeks, are attracted, now, by being able to interact or even
>> listen to the fantastic HPSDR discussions between Phil  and Bill. 
>> Phil is
> a
>> fantastic designer and even more fantastic educator! He DOES slow 
>> down for
>> 'turtles' like me, and patiently answers even the most elementary of
>> questions!
>> I would be glad to sponsor a more "EU friendly" time to discuss HPSDR
>> projects on Saturday (Early Daytime Eastern Daylight time) if anyone is
>> interested. If we do this It would probably be best to favor all US
>> timezones and no later than early evening EU on Saturday. I'm open to
>> suggestion, and will try to be there.
>> As a side note, although I am not quite ready to moderate discussion, 
>> I am
>> planning to get the Pandora project going again. Ben - KD5BYB for very
>> understandable personal reasons has communicated that he has had to back
>> down as active project leader. This IS open to new project leadership. I
>> feel the project is/was quite 'mature' in concepts. There might be 
>> someone
>> else to take over the project leadership. I will 'stand-in' until 
>> someone
>> would like to claim project leadership. I talked with Bob - N5BRG at
> Dayton
>> who has SolidWorks designs for the project which he was working with Ben
> as
>> it stands. We are having a few problems publishing the files.
>> HPSDR is Fertile!! You fantastic contributors are 'cultivating' it for a
>> fantastic yield! (I'm a farmer at heart!)
>> Thanks
>> Eric - AA4SW
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: hpsdr-bounces at lists.hpsdr.org 
>> [mailto:hpsdr-bounces at lists.hpsdr.org]
>> On Behalf Of Jeroen Bastemeijer
>> Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 4:47 PM
>> To: hpsdr at lists.hpsdr.org
>> Subject: [hpsdr] Tiny Demeter
>> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
>> Dear All,
>> I was delighted to hear the name "Demeter" again in the Teamspeak 
>> sessions! About a year ago I started a design for the HPSDR power 
>> supply. At that time a lot of things were not clear. E.g. how much 
>> power is needed, which voltages are really needed to run the HPSDR 
>> system.
>> Due to a lack of time the project moved to the background, however, 
>> it never "left" my mind. Continuously I have been searching for 
>> information, talking to people, reading publications. Now I finished 
>> a number of projects, both work-related and private, I can afford to 
>> spend more time on the Demeter project! Because the HPSDR system is 
>> getting more mature, it is getting more clear what the demands are 
>> for the power supply for the HPSDR.
>> During the past months, I found out that a switcher can be 
>> succesfully used when carefully designed. Furthermore, a good linear 
>> regulator can be constructed far better from discrete component 
>> (compared to an integrated IC-regulator). Another pro, a discrete 
>> regulator will give more flexibility in terms op maximum current 
>> (e.g. by adding extra regulating transistors).
>> In the last Teamspeak-session there was some discussion about a small 
>> "experimenters" power supply, to be used in the meantime until 
>> Demeter becomes available. I would be very happy if I could offer my 
>> help in designing a "Tiny Demeter" (and maybe try some simple 
>> concepts?!). However, I found, by listening to the teamspeak 
>> sessions, that talking to each other gives better results than 
>> sending numerous E-mails. Due to my location (the Netherlands) and 
>> time-zone it is difficult to attend the Team-speak sessions. Maybe 
>> someone on the list is willing to bring in the Tiny Demeter and 
>> Demeter in the discussion to find out what the requirements and 
>> wishes are for these units.
>> As far as I can see the 3.3Volt regulator is not necessary, as each 
>> board is creating its own 3.3 and 1.8Volts from the 5 Volts. Maybe, 
>> this could be a discussion in the coming Teamspeak session. Another 
>> thing which should be defined are the current-requirements for each 
>> supply voltage.... I'm very curious if we are able to give a sensible 
>> answer to this question at this moment. ;-)  For the power 
>> requirements we should disregard any "big" RF power amp, as this 
>> probably get its own regulator.
>> Looking forward to reactions from the list! Hope to get the (Tiny?) 
>> Demeter project really going now!
>> For now, 73 Jeroen PE1RGE

Ing. Jeroen Bastemeijer

Delft University of Technology
Department of Electrical Engineering
Electronic Instrumentation Laboratory
Mekelweg 4, Room 13.090
2628 CD Delft
The Netherlands

Phone: +
Fax: +
E-mail: J.Bastemeijer at TUDelft.nl
GPS: Lat N52.00002 Lon E4.37157 Alt 46.2m

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