[hpsdr] the world beyond 61.44 MHz
n3ick at cox.net
Wed Feb 11 20:13:17 PST 2009
Yes it works as described in the manual, I wired up a good well shielded
relay some protection diodes and used a control output to fto cut the
filter in and out, but there are a lot more spurious signals and
receiving a 144 mhz signal on 24 mhz indicated in PowerSDR takes some
playing with, I have copied APRS packet on 144.390 with it.
On Wed, 2009-02-11 at 21:22 -0500, Ken wrote:
> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
> The Mercury will receive a 65 MHz signal - just try it. Power SDR must
> be tuning to the image (?)
> But beyond this, I note that the ADC is good to 700 MHz and the driver
> amp to 1.8 Gz - the limiting component is the transformer which is
> good to at least 300 MHz.
> So - if you bypass (remove?) the low pass filter, you should be able
> to receive sampling-alias frequencies that cover 2m and 222 MHz and
> possibly even 70 cm.
> Has anyone tried this?
> From a theoretical point of view, how much degradation is to be
> expected in the higher Nyquist bands?
> (sensitivity/NF versus the 1-60 MHz range, for example)
> Would an appropriate preamp restore performance to something
> acceptable?
> Ken
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