[hpsdr] [Fwd: Re: Call for HELP - New HPSDR-Setup / nothing works]
Graham / KE9H
KE9H at austin.rr.com
Mon Mar 16 20:16:06 PDT 2009
What is different about this new setup, compared to before?
Did you just change the order of the boards, or did you change
something else?
Or is this the first time that you are running this system?
What versions of software are you running in the boards?
The original factory loads, or have you updated them?
If you take Penelope off the bus, and just run Mercury and Ozy,
can you get any sound out of the Mercury card?
--- Graham / KE9H
Alexander Geckeler wrote:
> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
> Hello together,
> maybe my last mail disappeared re. my HPSDR problem.
> I'm a bit desperate...
> Today I tried to start my new HPSDR setup (Mercury, Penny, Ozy) - but
> unfort. I didn't get any audio out of Mercury!
> Here a small overview what I did in detail:
> - I extended my older setup (it worked fine) which consisted of
> Mercury and Ozy with Penelope. I placed Mercury in slot 5, Penny in
> Slot 3 and Ozy in Slot 2. I removed JP8 on Mercury and swiched the 10
> MHz clock within PowerSDR to Penny.
> - Then I ran a level calibration with my Elecraft XG-2 (the earlier
> setup ran without calibration) at -73Dbm / 50uV.
> - After this I connected the headphones to Mercury
> - But I heard no sound out of the headphones - only, in large periodes
> some scratches/klick sounds.
> - From time to time PowerSDR (Januar 10th Version -
> V1.10.4+BaseSVN2025) also indicated an ADC overload
> What I'm doing wrong?
> It would be great to get your feedback.
> 73, Alexander
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