[hpsdr] Pandora question
Phil Harman
phil at pharman.org
Wed Mar 4 16:31:49 PST 2009
I'm looking at reversing the enclosure. When we develop a 100w PA mount
that on the 'front' with the heatsink projecting through the case.
Pennywhistle could either mount directly on the case or use a small
internal heatsink.
73's Phil...VK6APH
Quoting Lyle Johnson <kk7p at wavecable.com>:
> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
>> ...I could shield Pennyswhistle inside of
>> Pandora, but then how do I get rid of the heat?
>> Bolt the heat sink on the outside of Pandora?
> The LPA module in the K3, which is very similar to Pennywhistle, uses
> the bottom cover as the heat sink. I suspect Pandora probably has
> plenty of heat sinking capability for a low power amplifier like this.
> 73,
> Lyle KK7P
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