[hpsdr] CW with HPSDR

John Petrich petrich at u.washington.edu
Tue Feb 9 11:04:12 PST 2010


Hope that these comments will be useful to you.  I've had the same problem 
twice: once on the initial set up and most recently after a period of stable 

On initial set up there were dashes but no dots.  I had accidentally wired 
the DB9 connector to my Magister (read Ozy) incorrectly.  Was offset by 1 
pin.  I had to resort to carefully looking into the mating side of the 
connector to correctly identify the numbered pins and then re-solder the 
paddle wires accordingly.  After that repair, the HPSDR keyed perfectly.

The second time I lost the dots but not dashes was just recently.  Had left 
the HPSDR powered on for a day or two and had left my ver. 3407 Power SDR on 
standby for a number of hours.  Returned to the rig after 12 hours or so to 
find no dots.  Confirmed that the paddle and associated wiring were still 
intact.  Finally solved the problem by powering down BOTH the HPSDR and 
Power SDR, and waited a minute or two before restarting everything.  The 
dots returned.  Will see how stable that "fix" will be.

I'm suspecting a wiring error on your part as the cause of your problem.

John Petrich, W7FU 

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