[hpsdr] CC Amps for 6M

lstoskopf at cox.net lstoskopf at cox.net
Tue Feb 9 11:33:25 PST 2010

I have two of the CC 140 W amps that I've had for a LOOOONG time.  They work well, although I tried to get them to work at 6M.  No real luck.  Like the newbie I was in the 70s, I called the Moto Number on the design sheet.  "Grenberg!"  After my profuse apology for being a Ham and calling the king, I mentioned my problem.  "We couldn't make them work up there in that broad band application either or we would have spec'd them that way."  A few more minutes of courteous discussion I thanked him again and concluded my moment with greatness.

Interesting that the DL amp gets that bandwidth with the device they used and that they didn't use  FETs in the finals.  Awaiting someone's power out vs freq data., etc.


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