[hpsdr] Counting Pipes

James Brown Jim at SETI.Net
Wed Feb 24 10:14:32 PST 2010

I am confused over how pipes and end points are counted.  I am referring to 'USB Design by Example' (Intel press) and figure 1.8
Ozy shows up, ready for work, with three pipes.  I assume they are counted like this

Pipe 0 - (EP 0) - Control pipe

Pipe 1 IN End Point  (EP 1) - unused
Pipe 1 OUT End Point (EP 2) - Command and Control TO Ozy

Pipe 2 IN End Point (EP ?) - Status and L/R samples FROM Ozy (this is called EP 6 in the docs)
Pipe 2 OUT End Point (EP ?) - unused

Pipe 3 IN End Point (EP ?) - Audio FROM Ozy (this is called EP 4 in the docs.)
Pipe 3 OUT end Point (EP ?) - unused

My prototype code does receive Status from Ozy on Pipe 2 IN but how do you count End Points?  EP 4 and EP 6 seem wrong.

Regards.......... Jim

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