[hpsdr] Mercury 3.0 and jmonitor

David McQuate mcquate at sonic.net
Sun Jul 4 18:07:16 PDT 2010

Hi Ron,
 If you've comiled server and dspserver on your machine, and have java 
installed from Sun / Oracle, then you're very close to having it all 

You'll need to use 64-bit versions of the dlls -- libfttw3f-3.dll   
and   pthreadVC2.dll

I've attached a screen shot of all the command windows to run two Rx, 
all on a single XP machine.
At the upper left, server, as it connects to two dspservers. Across the 
top, the two dspservers, for receivers 0 & 1
At the bottom, the command windows and two jmonitor instances, receivers 
0 & 1

If everything is running on one machine, I'd think you wouldn't have to 
manually open ports, but the Windows firewall would ask you if it was OK 
to open them.  At least that's what happens on XP.

server listens for TCP connection requests on port 12000 (all Rx).   
(all other socket traffic is UDP)
server receives demodulated audio from the first dspserver (only) on 
port 15000 (and sends it to Mercury)

------------------------------------  Rx 0    Rx 1     Rx 2    Rx 3
server receives commands on ports 12000, 12002, 12004, 12006
server sends I & Q samples to        13000, 13002, 13004, 13006

dspservers receive
I & Q samples from server on ports 13000, 13002, 13004, 13006
commands from jmonitor on ports      8000,   8001,   8002,   8003
and send
alaw-encoded 8-bit audio to jmonitor 8000,   8001,   8002,   8003

I think that if you're wanting to make a receiver available on the 
internet the only port you'd need to open to the outside is one of 
8000,  8001,  8002, and 8003 -- one for each receiver you want to make 
available.  All the other ports are "internal" communication between 
server & dspserver.


Ron Mozer wrote:

I'm really impressed with all that  you have been working on and am 
trying to get caught up with your latest contribution to the HPSDR 
group.  I have obtained your code from the SVN and have loaded the 
multiple receiver version (3.0) of the FPLC code into my Mercury.

So is there a quick start I need to follow to bring everything else on 

I can run your dspserver and server programs.  I also have obtained John 
Melton's jmonitor and various html/jnlp files and edited to fit my 
system (I think).  I'm trying to bring it up on a 64 bit Windows 7 
computer at http://www.wy3d.org .  What all ports do I need to open on 
my router besides port 80?

I think I am missing some very major piece of the puzzle in getting it 
all to play.  Do you have any hints that you can offer?

73's de WY3D
Ron Mozer

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