[hpsdr] ability to amplify pennywhistle (much) beyond 17W?
Joe Martin K5SO
k5so at valornet.com
Wed Nov 17 06:44:30 PST 2010
Keep in mind that the"QRP rig" portion of your station is the
absolutely critical part!!
Indeed, it's exactly that part that makes your rig a "high
performance" radio. Getting high power from the QRP board set is easy
part, relatively speaking.
For the higher (VHF, UHF, and microwave) bands one straightforward way
to get to high power is with one of the numerous (hetrodyne) solid-
state transverters that DownEast Microwave has available to drive
conventional amplifiers. I happen to use a 1296/28 MHz transverter
from them that takes a 28 MHz output from Penny at a few milliwatts
and outputs up to 50W at 1296 MHz, which is more than enough to drive
a TH328 triode amp to as much as 500W output which (300W) can then
easily drive a TH347 tetrode amp to 1.5 KW output at 1296 MHz.
I previously indicated to you how I choose to achieve 1.5 KW output on
the HF bands with the HPSDR board set, as one example of working at
high power at HF, by using the PA/Tx filters/TR relay portions of an
analog HF rig. There are many ways to approach your stated goal, of
course, but I've found that using those portions of an analog HF rig
generally works like a champ. I'm sure there are many other, probably
more expensive, options that are possible that don't use an old
"spare" rig to do it if you don't like the analog rig option, some of
which have already been mentioned in answer to your post.
73, Joe K5SO
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