[hpsdr] iPhone/iPad

Tony Langdon vk3jed at gmail.com
Thu Jan 27 11:13:04 PST 2011

At 05:25 AM 1/28/2011, Jeremy McDermond wrote:

>When I finally do so, I'm happy to publish John's app on the App 
>Store if he wants.  The wrinkle here is probably licensing.  I can't 
>really publish a GPLed app on the App Store.  If he's willing to do 
>a separate license to me that allows me to distribute for free, I'm 
>happy to do so.

The App Store is incompatible with the GPL.  They recently pulled a 
GPL app from the store, because of this legal incompatibility, and 
that app ended up having to go the jailbreak route.  Another licence 
would be needed for an iPhone app sold via the store.

73 de VK3JED / VK3IRL


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