[hpsdr] Pennylane drivelevel
wully at bluewin.ch
Thu Jun 30 06:44:00 PDT 2011
Hi Phil
I am trying to use the pennylane instead of the penelope. I am
programming the interface by myself. For test purposes, I do the
following: as soon as the TX-frequency is changed by the user program, I
make the change and then I request the setting of the drivelevel by
setting a logical txLevel_changed.
In the next control-out seqence, I set C0 to 0x12, C1 to 0x80 (half
power, just for Test), C2 to 0 (no micboost, mic selected)
C3-C5 are all set to zero.
But starting TX, I don't see any power out of pennylane.
I have never programmed FPGAs up to now. I see
in penelope.v the lines:
wire [7:0] Drive_Level; // Tx drive level
NWire_rcv #(.DATA_BITS(8), .ICLK_FREQ(122880000),
.XCLK_FREQ(122880000), .SLOWEST_FREQ(1000))
p_ser (.irst(C122_rst), .iclk(C122_clk), .xrst(C122_rst),
.xrcv_data(Drive_Level), .xrcv_rdy(drive_rdy),
.xrcv_ack(drive_rdy), .din(C18));
Is it correct, that this driveLevel is "stored" in the fpga, so that I
don't have to repeat C0 at 0x12 to transmit?
When I apply IQ-Values != 0 , I don't see output from pennylane. So I
don't yet understand, how the current DriveLevel is treated in the
Any clarification is welcome.
73, Alfred
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