[hpsdr] large FFT code added to Metis-enabled PowerSDR code

w3sz 73w3sz at gmail.com
Mon Mar 7 20:05:58 PST 2011

I added my code for large FFTs [up to 262144] to Bill KD5TFD's 
Metis-enabled PowerSDR code.
I reworked my code a little bit while adding it to the new PowerSDR.  
Other than the obvious fact that this code works with Metis, the major 
visible improvements from my old code are:

1.  can now change FFT size on the fly with no problems
2.  code now maintains constant level for noise floor when changing FFT 
3.  3 waterfall palettes now available: standard, Linrad, and 
auto-leveling Linrad

There is also some cleaning up of my old code 'under the hood'.

The code [both source and binaries] is at:


The zipped file is large, approx 98.5 MB



Roger Rehr

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