[hpsdr] Atlas bus lines C29 and C31

Joe Martin K5SO k5so at valornet.com
Sun Mar 20 14:59:51 PDT 2011

Phil and ALL,

I have been beating my head against a wall trying to figure out why I  
cannot use the C29 and C31 Atlas bus lines between Metis and Mercury  
and tracked the problem down to what appears to be a fundamental  
problem with the Atlas board itself.

I have three Atlas boards, two assembled and tested and one new  
unassembled;  all three show NO CONNECTIVITY between the connectors  
for both the C29 and C31 bus lines.

I believe this could be a design/fabrication fault with the Atlas  
board generally.  If that's so, it's interesting that no one noticed  
it before now.  If all Atlas boards don't show this fault  I sure need  
to know it!!

If you have a chance, please check continuity between the Atlas  
connectors for bus lines C29 and C31 and let me know if this is true  
for your Atlas boards too.


73,  Joe K5SO

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