[hpsdr] coherent dual mercury receivers
Joe Martin K5SO
k5so at valornet.com
Sun Mar 13 11:56:52 PDT 2011
Having coherent dual mercury receivers is exactly the reason that I
developed the diversity modifications to PowerSDR. Indeed, the
underlying motivation for doing the mods was to operate with
polarization diversity on 432 MHz EME and for 436 MHz pulsar radio
astronomy. PowerSDSR v1.19.3.3.diversity19 works just fine for both
of those applications, as it currently exists! That is true as long
as the clocks on both boards are phase locked to a single reference
clock such as the 10 MHz clock from Excalibur.
The present configuration of the diversity program provides reasonably
coherent signals from the two Mercury boards. If this were not the
case, you would NOT see the deep nulling capability that has been
demonstrated very impressively by K2SDR and K1RQG already. In truth,
the present HPSDR diversity program permits full polarization
diversity operations already when used with dual orthogonal rf feeds
such as the V and H monopoles of a feedhorn or "cross-pol" yagi
antennas. Of course, it would be interesting to see the results of a
measurement to determine how coherent the signals actually are, of
course. Perhaps you'd like to undertake such a measurement? I could
work with you on that if you desire.
With regard to time delays, the diversity control of the program
provides complete adjustment and compensation for up to +/- 180
degrees of phase difference between the two IQ data streams to correct
for differences in time delays associated with the two rf paths. For
true coherency, of course, one must make sure that the two rf paths
from the antennas are within a single wavelength of each other. You
may, or not, have noticed that in the latest version of the diversity
code I have put a user selectable choice for which IQ data stream is
used as the reference channel for such phasing.
In my opinion, the present diversity arrangement is entirely adequate
to supply the coherent, orthogonal inputs that Linrad requires, so I
personally don't think it is necessary to do any more on the hardware/
firmware side of the issue. What is missing for you is a
communications interface between PowerSDR and Linrad. It is not
necessary, in my view, to incorporate any time stamping in the data
streams to achieve you goal.
As a matter of fact, in the past, I considered adding an interface
routine to provide communications between PowerSDR and Linrad to
enable MAP65 users to work with HPSDR rigs with the orthogonal IQ
streams presently available with the diversity program. I know there
are plenty of people out there who would be pleased to see such a
coupling. Unfortunately, however, developing such an interface has
not been a high priority for me. I had hoped that someone else with
more of a direct interest in using HPSDR in such a manner would take
up the challenge to develop an interface to Linrad.
If you don't attract the necessary software programming assistance
with your project perhaps I can offer some help there and work with
you to get the job done, even though my programming skills are not of
a professional level. I suspect that if we (you, me, and anyone else
interested in joining in!) focused on the issue we could be
successful in coupling the diversity program to the Linrad program.
I'd be interested to see if others have an interest in this.
Joe K5SO
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