[hpsdr] eSSB for SDR's
Ken N9VV
n9vv at wowway.com
Sat Aug 25 05:27:19 PDT 2012
Hi, I would like to comment about ESSB. I am not a phone
operator (CW, digi modes) but I enjoy listening to ESSB
and watching their technical progress with SDR equipment.
ESSB is a really popular mode here in the United States.
Here are two links to ESSB websites:
there are probably more that I have not yet discovered.
Software Defined Radio's have made a big impact on all ESSB
operations here. Especially Flex Radio equipment.
Now we have a competitor to Flex!! Apache will really lead
the way with affordable OpenSource solutions and opportunities
for ESSB operation with many new Software packages for WIN/LIN/MAC.
I listen to the group on 3.630 because I know one of the members
(K2WS). They have been through the modification of old Analog
gear, exactly as you stated. Then the discovered SDR <g> and the
new gear is performing magical things. Many of the Hams have
invested $10,000+ in their "Audio Racks" of equipment to shape
their voice signals. Now all that can be done inside the computer
for free (with VE3NEA Voice Shaper for example). Of course, there
will always be some old-timers who will never change from their
analog radio's with glowing tubes and big knobs (hihihihi).
It may take a while to get more hams interested, because there is
a *false* impression that some regulation requires SSB at no more than
2.8khz. I think it might have started as a rumor in Region-I, but it is
*NOT* an FCC RULE here in the U.S. Hams can use 8khz if they want to.
All that was taken to the FCC and solved in 2003 when some individuals
on 14.178 were attacked by old-timers who thought they were violating
an imaginary FCC regulation. There is extensive TRUE information from
people like John NU9N to prove ESSB is perfectly legal in the U.S.
One of the most frequent problems is that the Analog radio's (even
the most expensive YaeComWoodTekCraft unit) do *not* have enough
Receive bandwidth in SSB to enjoy ESSB signals. Many Hams brag about
their +/- 8Khz AM signals and don't realize they can accomplish the
same objective with half the bandwidth using ESSB <g>
I have several screen movies of ESSB conversations where you can
watch the panadapter of my SDR receiver and see the 7 or 8khz audio
<g> The quality is like an FM Stereo broadcasts <g> and it does not
bother any other stations down there. We have plenty of band space on
15M and 10M where ESSB would be possible for great DX.
thank you Bhanu for your comments about ESSB. It is indeed an important
mode an one that the Apache Labs ANAN products and software fully supports.
namaste Bhanu,
73 de Ken N9VV
On 8/25/2012 1:16 AM, M.B.Singh wrote:
> Hi Group!
> eSSB attracts a lot of hams and lot of work has been done on hardware
> radios like Yaesu FT-1000MP Mark V /Kenwood TS-950 and Yaesu newer
> radios like FT-2000/5000/9000 etc. To use eSSB you need to have wider
> filter bandwidth and it require lot of hardware modifications in
> conventional radio but the advantage of SDR is the flexibility of
> choosing and creating filters with ease.
> I would like to know if some one have experience in this field using
> SDR's? I own Yaesu FT-1000MP Mark V but dont wanna go through that
> cumbersome modifications and also have ANAN-10+ and would love to
> experiment with eSSB using ANAN-10+
> your experiences and suggestions are welcome and I am sure many Hams
> would be interested in eSSB.
> 73
> Bhanu
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